Il nostro è un lavoro quotidiano di ricerca per evolvere costantemente il prodotto, l’accostamento di materiali eterogenei esalta la complessità dello stile e l’armonia raffinata delle tonalità raggiunge il suo colorato equilibrio.



(+39) 366 7407242


Via Volponi, 19 – Zona Ind.le Squartabue

62019 RECANATI (MC) – Italy

Morici Collection awaits you at InterTabac in Dortmund 2024

Morici Collection awaits you at InterTabac in Dortmund 2024

We are happy to inform you that we will be present at InterTabac exhibition in Dortmund from 19 till 21 September 2024.

We look forward to meet you at the largest international trade fair dedicated to tobacco. It will be a unique opportunity to discover our new humidor collections.

About our humidors

Our humidors are completely manufactured in Italy. Each piece is unique thanks to the natural characteristics of the wood that compose the outer part our creation. At the same time the inside is made of the highest quality of Spanish cedar wood. But it doesn’t end here!

You will find us in HALL 7 | STAND 7.B23.

Would you like to book an appointment with us now? Fill in the form below, we will get in contact with you!

    Full Name
    Phone Number